Sliding Doors ¥ Carpentry ¥ Closet Doors ¥ Front Doors ¥ French Doors ¥ Remodeling

Keith Sagalow
Certified Building Contractor 
Sarasota, Florida 34241

License No. CBC1251528

Not Sure Of What To Call Your Door Swing?


Here's two different ways you can tell:

My Way.... Facing the door, which ever side the knob is on... that's the Right of Left of the swing.  Now, is it going IN to the house, or OUT?

Other Way.... "Butt to Butt".  Inside the doorway, put your back (butt) against the butt jamb (inside frame with hinges).  Whichever arm swings
the same as the door: That's the right or left.  Now, is it going INto the house, or OUT?

Clear As Mud?
Check the picture below:

Door Swing
